The latest entry in the Ratchet and Clank series happened several times during the Rift apart, when I felt like treasure hunter Nathan Drake. Buildings collapsed around me as I made my way through perfectly tuned action set pieces, and I manage to get out of the way with each explosion in the right seconds. The only difference, of course, is that the Rift Apart is a lot more lovable — think of it like a sci-fi, family-friendly Uncharted.
A combination of shooter and platformer, Ratchet & Clank has always been a series closely associated with PlayStation, and the final game — the 2016 reboot of the original — showed it could be a tech showcase as well. The Rift Apart, meanwhile, may be the most significant entry in the franchise to date. Thanks to cross-generation releases, true PS5 exclusives are still missing, even months into the console's life. But the Rift Apart is exactly that: a game you can only play on Sony's next-gen consoles and one that really takes advantage of new hardware. It also happens to be a very fun adventure.
Although the series dates back to 2002, Rift Apart is largely a standalone story. It's a fuzzy little fox creature named Ratchet (he's actually an alien called a Lombax, believed to be the last of its kind) and his adorable robot companion Clank. As a nice introduction to new players (and a refresher for longtime fans), the game begins with the pair honoring the pair for their past achievements in a parade-like setting in front of a huge crowd of spectators. It also serves as a clever mini-tutorial — but it's also about the longtime villain Dr. It is not before the nefarious attacks are interrupted in celebration.
The core of Rift Apart is a device that can open portals between dimensions. After another defeat, Neferius uses the device to travel to the dimension he always wins - and he accidentally brings together Ratchet and Clank in the process. Both get separated. Ratchet stays alone for a while before befriending a small bot named Kit, while Clank teams up with another lombax named Rivet. It's a clever setup with the new couple jumping across planets, searching for sci-fi MacGuffins to fix the device and bring the dimensions back to normal. The setup is also great as it allows you to play as both characters in a way that feels organic; Often, you have the choice of which planet to explore, and you'll control whichever Lombax is closest to.
Ratchet & Clank isn't exactly a series known for its narrative, but Rift Apart takes things a long way. The new characters, in particular, are a great addition, turning it from a wise-cracking prank to a real heartwarming tale (though there's still a lot of sense). Rivet starts out as a pessimistic loner, but you see him slowly learn how to trust and work with people, thanks to Clank's calm presence. Likewise, for most of the game, Kit has a hard time connecting with anyone, which become apparent once you learn his surprisingly dark backstory. But it does lead to some heartbreaking moments. At one point, in desperation, she shouts, "Why doesn't any of you understand? I'm breaking I'll always be broke!" It's not the level of emotional awareness I expected from a series featuring a character named Skid McMarks. There are even side missions where you can learn more about Lombax lore.
The movie-like quality of Rift Apart is enhanced by the visuals. Simply put, the game looks incredible. I've said this about previous games in the series, most notably the 2016 release on PS4, but it's even more true now: playing the Rift apart is like being inside a gorgeous animated movie. There's a level of detail you rarely see in games. You'll venture through a densely packed sci-fi city that puts anything to shame and glide across the desert wastelands, creepy underwater research facilities, and an incredibly fascinating gas station in Cyberpunk 2077 is. It's all presented in a kid-friendly way, but also with a sense of realism, whether it's the glitz of a metal robot or the fudge on the alien sheep. Whenever I took a close look at Ratchet's cute ears, I wanted to give him a pet and tell him he's a good boy.
Not only does the Rift Apart look great, but it also runs incredibly well. I didn't experience any slowdowns during my time with the game, despite the fact that the fighting tends to be pretty wild, with dozens of enemies on-screen and all kinds of projectiles running around. Ratchet is a chain defined by its inventive weapon; You'll have guns that shoot razor blades, envelop enemies in blocks of ice, and — my personal favorite — a grenade that launches a sprinkler, which touches in beautiful green foliage. Fighting involves constantly switching between weapons and firing all kinds of weird bombs and bullets, and yet I didn't experience a single hiccup or stutter while playing. (The Rift Apart also offers three different graphics options: "Fidelity", which runs at 30 fps and features ray tracing, improved lighting, and 4K support; "Performance RT", which clocks in at 60 fps and ray tracing. with, but lower resolution and less detail and scene density; and "display" which runs at 60fps but features increased resolution in place of ray-tracing.)
Perhaps even more impressive is that it happens with barely any noticeable load times. When you venture to a new planet, a brief clip appears of your ship taking off, but once you're on a level, there's no loading up. Likewise, the game transitions seamlessly between cutscenes and gameplay, to the point that sometimes I don't realize I have to back up the controller. One of the most impressive things in the game is Titanic Rifts. Essentially they are cracks between dimensions, and you can see - and often penetrate - them to go into a completely different world. It's standing wild in front of one and just staring at a completely different spot and then jumping into it without any friction.
In its most basic form, Rift Apart is a fairly standard action platformer. There are some nice twists, including a side story involving a spider-bot that kills a computer virus, and a series of tricky puzzle rooms that reminded me of some temples from Breath of the Wild. But for the most part, you're running around and shooting things. It's straightforward, but it works: the gunplay is fun, there's an almost overwhelming amount of variety in weapons, and there's plenty of cool places to move around. At one point, you're even riding a dragon. But it all stands out from how beautiful the game looks and how well it plays. Rift Apart is a game in which I stop to look at simple things like waves in the water or reflections on a glass cockpit. It shows the importance of aesthetics and style.
That said, the game is relatively linear. For the most part, this isn't an issue. The levels are so big that you can still move around and you never really feel boxed in. It also helps keep you from getting lost. (If you do, you can see your destination with a simple click of the right stick.) But it does mean that, like Uncharted, the pieces of the larger action set follow a very specific path. When it works, it's incredible, like you're controlling an action movie sequence in real time. But if you miss a step or aren't sure what to do, everything falls apart. At times I had to repeat the same sequence over and over because I missed the best way to jump or didn't see the speed boosting ramp on it. These moments are relatively rare, but they stand out because everything else is so effortless.
I should also note that the Rift Apart makes great use of the PS5's controller. In fact, other than the launch showcase Astro's playroom, this might be the best DualSense game ever. In a starting sequence, for example, you have to find a dance club in a bustling foreign city, and you're able to do it by following the music through the vibrations you feel in your hands. I especially loved how some weapons made use of the controller's two states of triggers; One gives you a little press to activate the shield, but when you push it all the way down, that shield turns into a devastating explosion. It's an intuitive way to add depth to the controls.
For the most part, the Rift Apart is what made Ratchet & Clank so enduring. The formula remains the same: silly characters, great graphics, and lots of interesting guns to play with. But virtually every element is better than ever, from the touchy-if-goofy story to the frantic action set pieces. And through this the Rift Apart becomes a showcase of why one might go through all the trouble to secure a PS5. It shows how more detailed worlds and faster load times can elevate a tried-and-true formula - and it may even make you care about Lombax lore in the process.